Dog and Puppy

Epigenetics plays a key role in the performance of all animals and Dogs are no exception. The Environment that the puppies were borne into, combined with the foods they ate can often be reflected in the early years of a dog’s wellbeing.

Dog and Puppy Report

As the puppy grows to maturity, the influences of the Environmental stressors, combined with underlying food stressors, are often reflected in the dogs behaviour, performance and the condition of their coat.

A variety of foods that humans consume, can unbalance a dogs system, which is why we also supply an advisory manual at no charge with the Dog and Puppy plan.

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None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. It is intended to provide nutritional food information. The digital process uses We use In-Vivo rather than In-Vitro technology and therefore does not provide reproducible indicators as it reflects the constant changing epigenetic environment at the quantum biological level. For this reason, nutritional food optimization should only be considered every 90 days. it is NOT recommended that a new Optimized report be created within this period.